Lists and registers

Last Updated: 3 April 2024

Public Registers and registers held as public record

The following are examples of lists and registers held by the council.

Planning registers:

Licensing registers:

Asset registers

Register of electors

Electoral register

Register of councillors' financial and other interests

Councillors are required to disclose any financial or other interests they have and to record any gifts or hospitality they receive with an estimated value of at least £50 on their Annual Declaration which can be viewed on your Councillors.

Note on searching: select the relevant councillor by name and click the Register of Interests link in the more information section.

Register of dispensations in some circumstances, a councillor or co-optee is allowed to take part in council business even if they have a financial interest in it.

Gift and hospitality register

Any gift or hospitality received by councillors or staff members over the value of £25 is reported to the Standards Committee

Employee register of interests

The Councils employee register of interests is reported to the Standards Committee.