Cartmel Conservation Area Management Plan (CAMP) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Last Updated: 3 April 2024

On 8 March 2023 we adopted the Cartmel CAMP SPD.

Cartmel Conservation Area Management Plan Supplementary Planning Document (PDF 5.2MB / 81 pages)

What is the Cartmel CAMP?

The Cartmel CAMP is a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It was adopted by SLDC as SPD on 8 March 2023. This means it has considerable weight as a material consideration in determining planning applications affecting the Cartmel Conservation Area. Supplementary Planning Documents add further details to policies in an adopted Local Plan, in this case the CAMP is SPD to South Lakeland Core Strategy Policy CS8.6 and to South Lakeland Development Management Policy DM3.

The purpose of this Management Plan is to help protect the special character of the Cartmel Conservation Area. It forms part of the evidence base for decision-making to help preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

To help achieve this, the document:

  • Sets out guidance to promote positive design change to protect the special character (significance) of Cartmel Conservation Area
  • Identifies a list of buildings or features of local architectural or historical interest (the 'Local List'), which are known as non-designated heritage assets (NDHA's), that are of particular merit in the Conservation Area, so the significance of these buildings or features will become a material consideration in planning decisions that affect them. Buildings and features included in the Local List are detailed in the CAMP, but can also be viewed on our online mapping system.
  • Recommends the making of an Article 4 Direction so that express planning permission is required for works to buildings on the Local List that would not ordinarily require an application for planning permission.
  • Provide a strategy for Buildings at Risk
  • Identifies threats to significance
  • Identifies opportunities for environmental enhancement and the need for grant-aid
  • Makes recommendations for future monitoring