Street collections

Last Updated: 3 April 2024

We issue street collection licences under Section 5 of the Police, Factories, etc. (Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1916, as amended by the Local Government Act 1972).

This applies to anyone who wishes to collect money or sell items for charitable or other purposes in a public space in South Lakeland.

How to apply

If you would like to apply for a street collection licence you should fill in an application form for a street collection permit (DOC 122KB / 2 pages).

Forms should be returned to the licensing group.

Additional information

It is illegal in the United Kingdom to hold a street collection to collect money or sell articles for the benefit of charitable or other purposes without obtaining a street collection licence if that collection is to be held in a street or public place.

It is often assumed that collections held in shop doorways or car parks do not need a street collection licence because they are being held on privately owned land. This is not true, as a shop doorway or car park, when it is open for trading, is a public place because the public has access at that time.

No other licence is valid. A Pedlar's Licence, issued by the police cannot be used for this purpose.

There is no cost for the issuing of consent but there are rules to be followed in applying.

Street collections are usually made by charities. Collections usually take place in a town centre on busy shopping days. Money is collected in tins. There are regulations, which govern this type of collection. Consents are restricted to enable charities to raise money without their collections clashing with those of other charities.

The purpose of the legal requirement to obtain consent is to ensure collectors are properly authorised and that money is collected in a secure way and the total proceeds collected are properly accounted for.

Regulations and permit policy

Street collection regulations (PDF 145KB / 5 pages)

Street collections permit policy (DOC 52KB / 2 pages)

A return form must also be completed following the collection and returned to us. This form will be sent to you with your permit.