Pest control

Last Updated: 3 April 2024

We do not provide a pest control service, you will need to contact a private contractor. South Lakeland pest control services lists qualified private contractors in the district.

Land owners and occupiers must make sure that they control rats and mice on their land and property. We can use our powers to make them control vermin.  

You can help prevent vermin:

  • remove potential vermin nesting sites by keeping your yard and garden clean and tidy, and by cutting back overgrown areas
  • do not feed wild birds or other animals too much, you might be feeding rats as well
  • keep your home in good repair so that rats can't get in. Make sure that drain inspection covers are in place and are in good repair
  • do not leave household waste where rats can get at it

Nuisance caused by seagulls

Seagulls can cause problems in urban areas this can include noise, mess from droppings and diving at people and animals. They can cause damage to properties and block gas flues with nesting materials.  They usually nest in May.

We do not have a duty to deal with seagulls, but there are some steps that you can take to deter them.

The law about dealing with seagulls

It is illegal to capture, injure or destroy any wild bird, or interfere with its nest or eggs. Penalties for disregarding the law can be severe.

Licences can be issued to allow control measures to be taken where there are public health or safety concerns. All enquiries on legal, lethal control and licences should go to Natural England.

The law does not allow people to carry out control measures for gulls if they are causing noise nuisance, fouling or simply damaging property.

Prevention methods

Actions you can take:

  • don't feed seagulls
  • remove any possible food sources including pet food and accessible household waste
  • keep your rubbish in bins until the day of collection wherever practical
  • make sure your bins have secured lids
  • use special bird feeders rather than putting food on the floor
  • pick up and dispose of any litter outside your property
  • commercial properties should keep the streets at the front and back of the premises free of litter and black rubbish bags

Prevent nesting sites. Proof buildings with:

  • chimney guards
  • roof spikes
  • roof wires and nets

How we can help

You can report issues concerning waste and the feeding of seagulls to us.

Pest and seagull control contacts

Organisations that have information on wildlife control that give advice on control methods and relevant legislation.