South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Partnership (SLEDP)

Last Updated: 3 April 2024

The South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Partnership (SLEDP) is composed of interested representatives from the private, public and third sectors. All the equality strands are represented on the Steering Group.

Aims of the partnership

The aims of the SLEDP are:

  • seek to reduce inequality on the grounds of gender, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, rurality and religion/belief
  • celebrate diversity and reduce discrimination
  • improve the life chances and opportunities for people who live, work and visit South Lakeland

Our shared vision is to make South Lakeland a place where:

  • everyone is welcome to live, learn, work, visit and conduct business
  • all member organisations and communities work together to advance equality, celebrate diversity and promote active citizenship for building community cohesion 

SLEDP projects and resources

Previous projects include:

  • initiatives to tackle hate crime and increase interfaith dialogue
  • Celebrating migration in Cumbria through the project Hidden Stories
  • supporting the Police and Crime Commissioner and AWAZ Cumbria to deliver a production in schools called ‘Feel the Hate’.
  • poetry, short story and art project for primary schools on the subject of diversity
  • Religion, Belief and Culture in our Community. A guide produced by the group on religions, beliefs and culture in South Lakeland

If you'd like more information or to join the partnership please contact