What we spend and how we spend it

Last Updated: 3 April 2024

It is important for the public to see how money is being spent.

Annual finance information

Our finance information provides figures and reports for each financial year, including our Statement of Accounts (when available), our approved Budget, our Fees and Charges list and the annual audit letter.

Open data

Our open data directory contains information, published as part of the Transparency Code, on how we spend our budget including spend over £250, procurement card (council credit card) payments, contracts register, staff allowances and expenses and councillor allowances etc.

Future planning

Our Medium Term Financial Plan includes information on our financial situation, capital strategy, reserves and general fund.

Annual Audit and inspection

We receive an Annual Audit and Inspection Letter from the Audit Commission. The letter summarises the conclusions and any significant issues arising out of recent audits and inspections. 

Information from each financial year

Staff allowances, expenses and pay grading

Information can be found in our Pay Policy Statement (PDF 284KB / 12 pages)

Election expenses

Election expenses, including returns, declarations and relevant documents, are available for inspection at our South Lakeland House office. Please contact the Electoral Services team by email: elections@southlakeland.gov.uk. Alternatively, phone the number listed at the bottom of this page.

Procurement procedures

Our procurement data, including e-procurement, contracts register and guidance, covers the procurement of all goods, works and services, including contractual agreements and arrangements with external organisations and consultants.

The latest tender opportunities are advertised on the north west e-tendering portal The Chest.

Our contracts register is published as open data.


Grants spending is published as open data.


Our investments explained.

Financial Regulations

Details of our financial rules, including the Standing Orders relating to Contracts, can be found in our our constitution.