Policies map

Last Updated: 3 April 2024

The interactive policies map shows the areas covered by policies, designations and allocations that are identified in our adopted development plan documents (DPDs) and will be kept up to date as new development plan documents covering the plan area (including Neighbourhood Plans) are adopted.

To use the map:

  1. open the 'My Maps' tab (top left hand corner of the page)
  2. Click on the 'Show side panel' button' (the side panel may already be open)
  3. Open the 'Map Categories' drop down menu, in the side panel
  4. Find the mapped policies area you'd like see by clicking on the + sign. For example "Adopted Local Plan allocations and designations"
  5. You can open map layers showing specific land allocations (for example land allocated to housing 'Housing Allocation') by checking the tick box on the right hand side
  6. You can zoom in and out and move around the map by using your mouse or the scroll bar in the top left of the map

As an alternative to the interactive map, the following PDFs are available:

The AONB DPD Policies Map shows allocations and designations across the whole of the AONB, part of which is in Lancaster City (that is: Warton and Silverdale).

Latest Changes

August 2019

The policies map has been updated to reflect the adoption of the AONB DPD and also the Development Management Policies DPD (DM DPD) in March 2019. The changes are listed below:

  • amendments to Kendal maps within the Land Allocations Inset Maps to show new designations within Kendal Canal Head following adoption of the DM DPD
  • amendments to Grange maps within the Land Allocations Inset Maps to show neighbourhood plan local green space following the making of the Grange Neighbourhood Plan in August 2018
  • amendments to the AONB settlement maps to show new designations and allocations following adoption of the AONB DPD