South Lakeland District Council 2022-23 Council Tax Information

Last Updated: 15 March 2024

The information provided on this page is for the year 2022/23 and reflects the budget as agreed by South Lakeland District Council in February 2022.

South Lakeland District Council ceased to exist on 1 April 2023 and its operations moved to the newly created Westmorland and Furness Authority.

This information is provided for historical purposes.

How South Lakeland District Council spent the money it received
Service area Net spending 2022/23 £m
Director of Strategy - Innovation and resources 6.698
Of which: Council Tax energy rebate 0.0
Operational lead - Customer and locality services 2.718
Operational lead - Place and environment 6.101
Operational lead - People, welfare and income maximisation 3.753
Operational lead - Delivery and commercial services 3.980
Cost of Services (Net expenditure) 23.250
Financing entries and statutory requirements -8.222
Net increase/(decrease) in general fund balance and reserves -6.631
Our budget requirement 8.937
Non-domestic rates -4.682
Other grants -0.858
Collection fund surplus/deficit 6.732
Our council tax requirement 9.589

The Council Tax payable for a Band D property, in relation to Eden District Council only, was £199.54 in 2022/23.